Wednesday 24 February 2016


Nice change to collaborate with colleagues who have the same frame of mind.  Bouncing ideas and positive reinforcement amongst the group encourages everyone to become a better teacher and colleague.

3752282599_efa80b5f39.jpg (403×500)The unplanned activity with Padlet (a la Sisco) was engaging and will definitely be utilized in my classroom. Members had some great insights on Professional Learning Communities followed up with insightful discussions.

The second article Improving Relationships within the Schoolhouse
has some very good suggestions on how to improve a school atmoshpere.  One of the most notable suggestions is the relationship between staff members with each other and administration. "Collegial Relationship" is one of the hardest things to strive towards but is the most effective for school success.


  • More collaboration amongst the group
  • Sharing with other faculty
  • Utilizing the game minecraft in the class

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