Wednesday 24 February 2016

Building Relationships

Today, we met as a group at Holy Names High School in Liana Côté's classroom, Room D252. Liana inspired trust among us by letting us into her classroom. This was the theme of the day for me as we discussed and shared a lot about how successful PLCs depend mostly on the relationships among their members.

As a participant, I was excited to learn from my colleagues and their unique experiences. We did an exercise where we read an article and then were asked to give a favourite sentence, phrase and word. Some very rich conversation came out of the sharing in this exercise. It was great to learn different perspectives that included John Foglia from St. Angela Elementary, many members of the HNH English Department and Chad Barrette, VP of Holy Names High School.

The padlet below includes some of the ideas shared about "What is a Provincial Learning Community?"

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