Wednesday 24 February 2016

PKE Reflection

In the PKE meeting we closely looked and discussed teacher's practices, and the added benefits both teachers and learners obtain when they work together as a team.  Today's session proved just how true creating a congenial relationships in the work place at all levels allows individuals to share and improve in their practices.  In fact, lots of great discussion took place during the session demonstrating just how important team collaboration and sharing is to the teaching profession. The benefits discussed centered around student learning and measuring success in terms of "student learning" and not in terms of the content and manner in which curriculum is being covered. The idea that when we share with one another versus keeping to ourselves in "our own classroom" with our "own students" and "our own lesson plans "allows us to be better teachers.  All teachers have "golden nuggets" of knowledge and practical experience to bring to a classroom. It is when this knowledge and experience is shared  that everyone wins is something that stood out for me today.  Today was a great learning experience and looking forward to working with everyone.

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