Wednesday 24 February 2016

Day 1 - PKE

What I've learned:

- A familiar face (Sean C.) is nice to see when you walk into a large high school and don't know where you are going.  Elementary schools aren't this big.
- I was able to meet a great group of educators with a wide variety of backgrounds.
- We talked about developing a strong PLC and we used two articles as a springboard.
                    i) What is a Professional Learning Community
                    ii) Improving Relationships within the Schoolhouse

- When sharing our thoughts we used a cool tool called Padlet - Favourite Sentence, Thought, Word
- During a lunch time discussion with Joe Sisco I learned about a new Google Ad-on - autoCrat
- I can't wait to use this as a tool to sharing information with both my students and their parents.

Moving Forward:

I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with this great group.  I've already starting exploring Minecraft on the iPad with my 6 year old son and feel like I have so much to learn.  Can't wait to see what "Dustin" has for us next time we meet.

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