Thursday 6 October 2016

Minecraft Brainstorm

Grade 10 - Minecraft Brainstorm

Throughout this PKE, I spent much time trying to incorporate Minecraft into my curriculum (Business) that would be challenging and engaging for the students. Unfortunately I was not successful for many reasons including:

  • My knowledge of Minecraft was very limited and as a result I was easily frustrated with the game
  • I was not able to think out of the box and stuck in my "Business Simulation" mindset
  • Students were becoming over stimulated with all the technology currently used in my classes
  • The graphics are horrible and it reminded me of the Atari we had in our family room...arghhh!!! give me an XBox

After having a discussion with my Grade 10 Business class in regard to the PKE, I was enlightened to find so many great ideas that these wonderful 15 year old students had. At this point, I decided to approach this project a little differently.

  1. I created a a google form for kids to respond to in regards to their ideas for Minecraft in the classroom
  2. Students were paired and brainstormed their best lesson plan and completed the google form
  3. A mail merge was created and we instantly created 10+ organized lesson plans
  4. Attached is the link of the Minecraft folder with the PDF lessons and google form I used.
The following are pics of the students working on their Minecraft Lessons/Ideas: